
Very Nice !

Pleasure and Payne

I like temporary public art.  There’s an interactive art installation just outside Canary Wharf station.  About 300 paper boats light up each evening and you can change the colour using your mobile phone.  Makes the space a bit more interesting.

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A New Year Begins!

2012 was a pretty good year for me. I was able to maintain my health; offer love and support to a couple of my kids, who are having relationship problems; but most of all, enjoying each day to the max. 

My goals for the New Year are simple; I want to continue  my journey into painting, stay on top of my health, spend more time with my grandchildren and remember to do at least one kind gesture each day for someone.

What are your goals?

Killbear Provincial Park


Art for Pat's Sake

First, I’ll start with the end result: my painting entitled Killbear Provincial Park, dubbed “The Group of Seven” painting:

Killbear Provincial Park

This painting took about 2 months to complete. I took pictures of my work as it progressed so I would have a visual record of what was involved in its creation from start to finish.

To begin with, I used a gallery-style canvas, sized 18″x24″. Gallery canvasses are 1-1/2″ thick and are more expensive than the thinner canvasses which are up to 3/4″ thick, but they work out to be cheaper in the long run because they don’t have to be framed. Framing can be extremely expensive, especially if it’s done professionally.

Whenever I start a new painting I always give the canvas a generous coating of Gesso (pronounced “Jess-o”), an acrylic primer, and let it dry overnight. I also put Gesso on all 4 sides of the canvas. Gesso makes the paint adhere better to the canvas and makes the…

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